Friday, February 27, 2009

Freelance Job Feed Added...

I have added a Freelance Job Feed to the blog. It is on the right hand side of the blog.

Freelancing is a good way to get some extra cash while you are waiting for your book to sale. There are several people who make a living on just this alone.

Dont forget to check your local library for free information on just about anything.


Agent Info Feed Added...

I've added a feed to the site. It is on the right. It is from a feed that focuses on Agents.

Many of you I have talked to have asked me my opinion on this and I feel like that might help those out there that are needing more information.

Don't forget to check your local library too! The library is free and although they may not have the newest book just out, there will be information you can use in your writing pursuit.





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