Thursday, January 8, 2009

Grammar Help - 10 Ways Grammar Tools Can Help You!

By Jane Sumerset

An online spelling, punctuation and grammar guide can be a helpful tool for anyone who does any significant amount of writing. Many people send out emails, letters and other documents without being aware of all the mistakes they are making. This can affect how people think of you, and how they respond to your messages. A grammar guide can help you in several ways:

1. No More Spelling Mistakes

You may use a spell checker, but you really need a contextual spell checker to catch many errors. There are many spelling errors that are correctly spelled words, but in the wrong context. For example, if you say, "I am going to right a letter," a regular spell checker won't catch this as a mistake, since "right" is a real word. A contextual spell checker, however, will notice this!

2. Punctuation and Grammar Check

It's easy to make errors in grammar and punctuation, especially if you have a lot of writing to do. An online grammar guide can correct your mistakes, acting as a virtual proofreader for you.

3. Style Checking Feature

This software also has a feature that goes over your sentences and suggests alternative words and phrases. This improves the style of your writing.

4. Better Sentence Structure

If you aren't sure when to end a sentence and start a new one, or when to put in commas, then you should definitely consider an online grammar guide. This will help you create smoother, more readable sentences!

5. Improves Your Efficiency

Having a built in grammar guide and proofreader can allow you to get more done in less time. You won't have to spend hours going over your writing, or worrying that you made mistakes.

These are some of the ways an online grammar guide can help you with all of your writing needs.

Another way of improving your writing skills is using grammar software that can automate many of your editing and correcting tasks as you write. There are many things such a surprisingly advanced software can do. Here are five ways it may be able to help you:

6. Cut Your Writing Time in Half

If you spend time rewriting or editing your reports or other correspondences, grammar correction software can save you a lot of time by automating these tedious tasks.

7. Raise Your Level of Communication

As you send out more grammatically correct correspondences without errors, your ability to communicate effectively will be enhanced instantly.

8. Improve Your Writing Skills

As you use this software, it can help to teach you to naturally improve your writing. It's like having a virtual writing teacher built into your computer.

9. Write More Creatively and Persuasively

Grammar correction software not only corrects your errors, it suggests alternative words and ways to phrase things. So you can write more creatively, which means you can be more persuasive.

10. English Language Tutor

If English is not your native language, or if anyone in your family or on your staff has to communicate in English when it's not their first language, this can be a real challenge. Grammar software can make someone instantly more understandable in English, and can help teach them correct usage.

If you have to do much writing, for any reason at all, grammar correction software can help you to communicate faster and more effectively!

About the Author: Watch how innovative grammar software instantly can improve your writings on a daily basis and learn how advanced NLP technology can help you to write even better English than your English teacher. Visit:


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