Thursday, January 8, 2009

Web Writing Tips - A Writing Tip For Every Occasion

By Cliff Posey Jr

Every webmaster--even those who have been writing for the web for awhile--can benefit from a good writing tip. The following 10 tips are guaranteed to improve your copy and make writing for the web easier. Although most of the tips are geared toward the average webmaster, they can be implemented by anyone who is writing for the web.

Webmaster Writing Tip #1: Write What You Know

Although every webmaster has already heard this writing tip, it is worth mentioning. Writing what you know is always the best policy when writing for the web. There's a lot of bad info online already--no sense in adding more.

Webmaster Writing Tip #2: Research What You Write

Since writing what you know isn't always practical when you're writing for the web, you should at least research what you write. This will help you turn fuzzy knowledge into viable facts.

Webmaster Writing Tip #3: Use Correct Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation

Using correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation is really important when you're writing for the web. When in doubt, look it up.

Webmaster Writing Tip #4: Try to Answer Questions

Writing for the web is a lot like writing for a newspaper. You need to answer all of the essential questions that a user might have. Think who, what, when, where, and why.

Webmaster Writing Tip #5: Pick a Keyword

When you're writing for the web, you should pick at least one keyword or key phrase to stick with from the beginning of the article to the end. This tells search engines and human readers what your article is about.

Webmaster Writing Tip #6: Use Lots of White Space

Writing for the web is not like writing a book or a column. You should have lots of white space in between text. It makes your article appear cleaner and more appealing to readers who like to scan information.

Webmaster Writing Tip #7: Keep It Short

When it comes to writing for the web, shorter is better. Internet users have limited time and short attention spans--they don't want to sift through lengthy text. The ideal word count for a web article is between 250 and 500 words.

Webmaster Writing Tip #8: Choose a Good Title

A good title is important when you're writing for the web. Titles tell readers and search engines what articles are about. The best titles pique curiosity or give readers something they want.

Webmaster Writing Tip #9: Edit What You Write

It is easy to fall in love with what you have written, but you need to learn how to cut the fluff. This is especially true when you are writing for the web. As stated earlier, Internet users have limited time and short attention spans. In other words, they have no patience for a chatty webmaster.

Webmaster Writing Tip #10: Proofread What You Write

Writing for the web is no different than writing for any other media. You must proofread what you write. If you forget every writing tip you heard today, remember that one. It is probably the best writing tip you will ever get.

About the Author: Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates . Cliff has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants.


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